Did you know? There are various harmful chemicals hidden in our homes, especially in household cleaning products. Harmful chemicals that we do not know of and invisible to our naked eye are sources of long term health problems. An accumulation of symptoms that we may ignore because we do not think it is significant may later on result in chronic health problems.
Buying and understanding the labels on the packaging is something we encourage everyone to follow. If we give it time to choose a good product by understanding labels and ingredients, we can all avoid long-term health problems.
We have 3 simple tips in choosing household cleaning products below
1. Read labels to make sure the products do not contain harmful chemicals.
Information on the label that we should observe:
- Whether the product has been approved by the FDA (Look at the back of the bottle)
- What other certificates the product has from various associations and agencies (and if you have time do some research on how those agencies and associations grant the certifications)
- Whether the ingredients in the bottle are harmful chemicals that can affect health or the environment. Brands may conceal some information by not giving a full list of ingredients since it is not required by the Food and Drug Administration. This may prevent consumers from knowing if there are any hidden harmful chemicals. It is best for consumers to contact the brand & request additional information.
*If you are not sure about each ingredient, we recommend checking out EWG Skin Deep*.

2. Choose a cleaning product with cleaning agents that are gentle on the skin and can also tackle greases and stains.
Many cleaning agents remove grease and stain well but leave our skin dry or cause an allergic reaction, they may be dangerous chemicals that cause chronic diseases, or may be chemicals that affect the environment especially the non-biodegradable residues in natural rivers which could affect aquatic life.
Surfactants that are gentle on the skin and safe mostly are less effective than harsher ones. Therefore, to find a formula that really solves both problems isn’t an easy task.
LAGA’s formula has been developed and tested with a professional research team. We take the problems that consumers face into the formula creation process – both the ability to remove grease and stand as well as safety. The result is products that are both efficient and safe for people and the environment.

3. Look at the packaging that is 100% recyclable.
The packaging has to be easy to hold and non-slip for pleasant experience
We believe in choosing packaging that meets both functional and environmental impact. Choosing 100% recyclable packaging is the first step in becoming a more socially and environmentally responsible consumer.
Consumers should understand the separation of plastics, for example, bottles with screw caps or stoppers should be removed, rotated and discarded separately from plastic bottles. This will make waste management easier. The types of plastics also matters – PET plastic is most recycled widely hence, a better choice compared to other types. (Look under the bottle or on the bottle there is a recycling symbol No. 1) Reuse of plastics is also another way to reduce the impact on the environment.
In addition to this, when you pick a product make sure to pick a packaging that is designed to fit your hands well so your cleaning routine becomes easier and more pleasant.

#LAGA #lagahome #notoxins #noharmfulchemicals #dishsoap #dishwashliquid #dishesdoneright #naturaldishsoap #householdcleaningproducts #ecofriendly #vegan #crueltyfree #sustainable #biodegradable #ลาก้า #ปราศจากสารเคมีอันตราย #ล้างจาน #น้ำยาล้างจาน #น้ำยาล้างจานสูตรธรรมชาติ #ผลิตภัณฑ์ทำความสะอาดบ้าน #ทำความสะอาดบ้าน #รักษ์โลก #วีแกน #ย่อยสลายได้